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Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

Introduction to Selenite: The Multiple Benefits of This Gemstone

The origin of selenite

Selenite is a crystalline stone also known as the stone of angels. Her name comes from the Greek word for moon, which is Selene .

Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

It is considered one of the oldest known minerals on earth and its benefits have been known for many years.

How does selenite form?

Selenite is most commonly associated with hydrated calcium sulfate . This usually occurs in caves as deposits or patches.

Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

Selenite is a mineral that is found on all continents, and its colors vary depending on the oxidation of its elements.

Selenite deposits

There are many selenite deposits scattered around the world, including Asia, Europe , South America, Africa, and Australia.

Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

The stone is also present in the United States and Mexico. There are different varieties of selenite that can be found in these places

Selenite History and Mythology

Selenite is a very old stone that dates back to Greek antiquity. The Greeks used it to make statues and jewelry.

Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

The first to discover their healing properties were the Mayan and Aztec peoples who also used it to make objects.

It is also said that the ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Sumerians believed in its healing properties .

Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

In Greek mythology, selenite is sometimes considered the stone of angels.

A legend has it that there is a door between heaven and earth that can be opened through selenite, letting angels into this world.

Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

Selenite is recognized worldwide for its many benefits and properties .

In the next section, we will examine in more detail the physical properties and benefits of selenite on the body.

Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

The properties and uses of selenite

Selenite is a stone appreciated since Antiquity for its healing and protective properties.

It is composed of selenite , a common and abundant mineral, which forms in sedimentary rocks and caves.

Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

The physical properties of selenite

Selenite is a clear , crystalline and translucent stone that oscillates between different hues ranging from pure white to pale yellow.

Its texture is soft and smooth , with a striped surface reminiscent of natural fibres.

Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

It is fragile and sensitive to water, which means it must be handled with care and kept dry to avoid tampering.

The benefits of selenite on the body

Selenite has regenerating and soothing properties, which make it ideal for the treatment of many conditions, such as muscle and joint pain, digestive disorders, skin problems and autoimmune diseases.

Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

It acts on the nervous system by promoting relaxation and reducing stress.

Some also attribute to it the virtues of protection against electromagnetic waves due to its ability to absorb electrical charges.

Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

The purification and recharging of selenite

To maintain the properties of Selenite, it is important to purify it regularly by immersing it in salt water or letting it sit on salt.

To recharge it, it can be placed in the sun or on a mass of quartz such as amethyst, citrine or rock crystal.

Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

Selenite is also widely used in lithotherapy to balance the crown chakra, promote mental clarity and aid meditation.

It is often combined with other stones such as Citrine , Amethyst, Moonstone and Labradorite to enhance their beneficial effects.

Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

In the next section, we will explore how Selenite can protect and help heal.

Selenite in lithotherapy

Selenite is a stone widely used in lithotherapy for its soothing and relaxing properties on the mind and body.

Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

It is often associated with the crown chakra and meditation , but it can also be used in combination with other stones to enhance their effects.

In this section, we take a closer look at selenite in crystal healing and how to use it to improve your well-being.

Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

Selenite and the Crown Chakra

Selenite is often associated with the Crown Chakra due to its ability to foster spiritual connection and bring inner peace.

When placed on the crown chakra, it can help release energy blockages and promote spiritual upliftment.

Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

Selenite is also known to help with mental clarity and informed decision making.

How to use selenite in meditation?

Selenite is particularly effective when used during meditation. It can be used as a raw stone or as a massage stick .

Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

To use selenite in meditation, sit quietly with your stone in your hand or place it directly in front of you.

Focus on your breath and imagine yourself surrounded by bright white light.

Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

You can also visualize selenite amplifying this light and helping you achieve a state of calm and inner peace.

Associated with other stones: their combined effects

Selenite can be used in combination with other stones to enhance their effects .

It works especially well with Amethyst and Clear Quartz to improve mental clarity and focus.

Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

Combined with fluorite, it can help reduce anxiety and stress. Selenite can also be used in conjunction with protective stones such as black tourmaline or tiger's eye to enhance their protective effect.

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Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

Selenite for protection and healing

Selenite is considered a protective stone for its ability to ward off negative energies. It also facilitates communication with angels and spiritual guides.

In lithotherapy, it is often used as a meditation stone , as it promotes inner calm and provides a feeling of peace.

Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

Selenite, protective stone

Selenite is a very powerful stone. It protects its wearer against negative energies and psychic attacks .

It also purifies the environment and dispels stagnant energies. To benefit the most from the protection of selenite, it is recommended to carry a stone on your person , or to place one in the house or in the workplace.

Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

The therapeutic effects of selenite

Selenite is also known for its therapeutic effects on the body.

It is often used to relieve headaches and menstrual pain.

Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

It is also recommended for people suffering from insomnia , mood disorders or stress .

Finally, it is used to strengthen the immune system and improve blood circulation.

Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

Selenite as an ally against stress and anxiety

In addition to its protective and therapeutic properties, selenite is also effective in combating stress and anxiety . It promotes inner calm , relaxation and inner peace.

To benefit from the relaxing effects of selenite, it is recommended to place it under the pillow at night, or to hold a stone in the hand during times of stress or anxiety.

Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

Finally, to make the most of the benefits of selenite, it is important to purify it and recharge it regularly.

To purify the stone, simply immerse it in salt water or sage smoke . To recharge it, simply place it in the sun or on a mass of quartz.

Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

Selenite is an incredibly versatile stone, beneficial for body and mind.

Whether you are looking to shield yourself from negative energies or simply to promote relaxation and inner peace , Selenite is a stone to consider.

Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

In addition, it is relatively affordable , with an average price of 10 to 20 euros for a natural stone.

If you are looking to buy quality selenite, it is recommended that you turn to specialist lithotherapy shops or to online sites known for their quality.

Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

Buying selenite: tips and tricks

If you are interested in adding selenite to your gemstone arsenal, this section gives you the necessary tips and tricks .

Natural or carved selenite: which to choose?

Selenite can be purchased in raw form or cut into various shapes. The choice depends on what you are looking to do with the stone.

Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

If you are looking to use selenite for your crystal healing practices, natural selenite is generally preferable.

This shape allows a purer and more natural energy to flow through the stone.

Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

On the other hand, if you are looking to use selenite as decoration , a selenite cut in a specific shape is a great option.

This includes sculptures , lamps or jewelry.

Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

The price of selenite

The price of selenite depends on several factors, including quality , size, and rarity . Higher quality Selenites are generally more expensive .

Larger specimens and those from rarer deposits can also be more expensive.

Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

However, selenite can be found at affordable prices , especially if you buy in bulk or are looking for smaller sizes.

Where to buy quality selenite?

There are many sources to buy selenite, including online , gemstone stores, and spirituality shops. Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

Be sure to do your research to find a trustworthy, quality seller .

Also, be sure to choose a stone that attracts you and resonates with your energy.

Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

Selenite is a stone that is often seen as a stone of protection, so it is important to find a stone that you feel safe and in tune with.

Finally, Selenite can be purchased for personal use or to give as a gift to someone. Discover the beneficial properties of selenite

Ultimately, it's important to be comfortable with the stone you purchase and to take full advantage of its healing properties .


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