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Artisanal production of orgonites: natural energy protection

Artisanal production of orgonites: natural energy protection

Introduction to handmade orgonite

Handmade orgonite is a semi-crystalline material composed of mixtures of resin and metals that is used to re-structure energy.

It is often used to target harmful waves , negative energies and unwanted energy fields, making it a perfect tool to produce natural energy protection in your home.

Artisanal production of orgonites: natural energy protection

What is orgonite?

Orgonite is a semi-crystalline material composed of resin , metals such as copper, aluminum, iron and gold metal, which tints the resin with grains of quartz and other stones.

Mixtures of these materials create a flow of force flow by forming semiconductor cells that are able to attract and then neutralize all kinds of negative waves.

Artisanal production of orgonites: natural energy protection

How does orgonite work?

Orgonite works through its power to structure the flow of force .

This magnitude of vibrations neutralizes negative vibrations, while increasing the positive energies in your environment.

Artisanal production of orgonites: natural energy protection

When placed near sources of negative energy or unwanted magnetic fields, it transforms that negative energy into positive, healthy energy .

Why make your own artisanal orgonite?

Making your own homemade orgonite is a great way to harness your energy and reduce low frequency toxins.

Artisanal production of orgonites: natural energy protection

By controlling the quality and concentration of materials, you can not only ensure that orgonite works best for your needs, but also save money by choosing the materials that best suit your budget.

Additionally, by making your own orgonites, you can experiment with different varieties of stones and metals, customize your orgonite to suit your tastes, and create something that is truly unique.

Artisanal production of orgonites: natural energy protection

If you're interested in learning how to make handmade orgonite, keep reading. . .

The benefits of handcrafted orgonite

Homemade orgonite has many advantages over buying ready-made orgonites. Here are the three main benefits:

Artisanal production of orgonites: natural energy protection

Material quality control

When you make your own homemade orgonite, you have complete control over the quality of the materials used.

Commercial orgonites may contain inferior materials, such as synthetic resins which can affect the effectiveness of the orgonite.

Artisanal production of orgonites: natural energy protection

By making the orgonite yourself, you can ensure that you are using top quality materials for the best results.

Orgonite Customization

With orgonite craft making , you can customize the orgonite to your preference.

Artisanal production of orgonites: natural energy protection

For example, you can choose the colors , shapes , and crystals you want to use for your orgonite.

This allows you to create a unique product that reflects your personality and personal choices.

Artisanal production of orgonites: natural energy protection

Money saving

Finally, making your own homemade orgonite can save you money in the long run.

Commercial orgonites can be relatively expensive , especially if you are looking to purchase larger or more complex models.

Artisanal production of orgonites: natural energy protection

By making orgonite yourself, you can save money on the cost of the final product while still having the satisfaction of having created something with your own hands.

In the next section, we will explain how to make craft orgonite in detail.

Artisanal production of orgonites: natural energy protection

How to make artisanal orgonite?

Homemade orgonite can be made easily at home with readily available materials.

Follow these simple steps to make your own homemade orgonite.

Artisanal production of orgonites: natural energy protection

The materials needed

- Epoxy resin

- Metal powder (copper, iron, or aluminum)

- Crystals

- Silicone molds

- A scale and latex gloves

Note that other materials such as glitter , pigments or even herbs can be added to further personalize your orgonite.

Artisanal production of orgonites: natural energy protection

Step by step: manufacturing techniques

  1. Sprinkle a thin layer of metal powder on the bottom of the silicone mold.
  2. Add some crystals or stones of your choice.
  3. In a separate container, mix the epoxy resin according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  4. Pour the resin over the mixture of powder and crystals, filling the silicone mold halfway.
  5. Let the resin sit for a few minutes.
  6. Add a second coat of metal powder and crystals on top of the partially cured epoxy resin.
  7. Pour a second layer of epoxy resin over this layer of powder and crystals.
  8. Lightly tap the silicone mold on a flat surface to remove air bubbles.
  9. Place the mold filled with epoxy resin, metal powder and crystals in a cool place for at least 24 hours to harden completely.
  10. Unmold the finished craft orgonite.
Artisanal production of orgonites: natural energy protection

Mistakes to avoid

It is important to note that certain materials such as stones or crystals can alter the final color of the orgonite. To avoid this, be sure to mix the metallic powders evenly .

Also avoid working in a humid place as the humidity can affect the quality of the epoxy resin.

Artisanal production of orgonites: natural energy protection

By following these simple techniques to make your own homemade orgonite, you can enjoy natural energy protection while saving money.

Soon, discover the different varieties of artisanal orgonite that you can easily make at home.

Artisanal production of orgonites: natural energy protection

The different varieties of artisanal orgonite

Handmade orgonite can take many forms , each with unique properties for energy protection.

Here are three of the most popular varieties.

Artisanal production of orgonites: natural energy protection

pyramidal orgonite

Probably the best known and most common form, Pyramidal Orgonite is often used to protect and purify the energy of homes and workplaces.

They can also be used to improve meditation , protect against electromagnetic fields and bad energy in the bedroom.

Artisanal production of orgonites: natural energy protection

Pyramidal orgonites are made by casting resin over shavings of metals and crystals , then letting them harden into a pyramidal shape.

You can experiment with different metals and crystals to find the combination that works best for you.

Artisanal production of orgonites: natural energy protection

The orgonite necklace

Orgonite necklaces are jewelry that provide wearable energy protection .

They can be worn as fashion accessories or as amulets.

Artisanal production of orgonites: natural energy protection

Artisan orgonite makers often use natural stones and crystals as well as metals to create unique necklaces.

Orgonite necklaces can offer protection against electromagnetic radiation from smartphones and laptops, or be used to increase positive energy and well-being.

Artisanal production of orgonites: natural energy protection

orgonite dome

Dome orgonite is a classic form of orgonite that is often used to protect and purify smaller places such as the office or bedroom.

Dome orgonites are made by pouring resin over shavings of metals and crystals and then letting them harden into a dome shape.

Artisanal production of orgonites: natural energy protection

Like pyramidal orgonites, it is possible to use different metals and crystals to create a dome that meets your individual needs.

In the next section, we will look at a few ways to use orgonite for energy protection and well-being.

Artisanal production of orgonites: natural energy protection

How to Use Orgonite for Energy Protection

Now that you have your homemade orgonite, it's time to use it to shield yourself from negative energies. Here are some practical ways to use your orgonite to enhance your life:

Artisanal production of orgonites: natural energy protection

Place orgonite near negative energy sources

One of the easiest ways to use your orgonite is to place it in areas of negative energy.

You can put your orgonite on your desk at work , next to your computer or cell phone.

Artisanal production of orgonites: natural energy protection

You can also place a pyramid orgonite under your bed to improve the quality of your sleep.

If you feel that your house or room is charged with bad energies, place several orgonites in the room to cleanse it.

Artisanal production of orgonites: natural energy protection

Use orgonite in meditation

Orgonite can also be used in your spiritual or meditation practices .

Hold orgonite in your hand as you meditate to create a stronger energy field to reinforce your positive affirmations.

Artisanal production of orgonites: natural energy protection

You can also use orgonite to create sacred space during practices such as yoga or prayer.

Use orgonite to improve water quality

Water has a memory and can absorb negative energies, so it is important to drink clean, pure water .

Artisanal production of orgonites: natural energy protection

You can place orgonite in a jug of water overnight to improve its quality and get rid of negative energies .

You can also put an orgonite in your shower to neutralize chlorinated water.

Artisanal production of orgonites: natural energy protection

By using your orgonite creatively , you will quickly discover how it can enhance your life.

Experiment and find the practices that work best for you.


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