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How to balance the throat chakra?

How to balance the throat chakra?

Fifth Chakra: Throat Chakra (Vishuddhi Chakra)

Where: The center of the gorge. It is associated with the thyroid gland, neck, throat, shoulders, ears and mouth.

Emotions/behaviors : The throat chakra is linked to our ability to express ourselves vocally and to speak our truth/peace, our honesty. It's also about our communication skills and our understanding of when it's better to talk than to listen.

Physical signs of imbalance : sore throat, throat problems like infection or tonsillitis, thyroid problems, loss of voice, neck and shoulder pain, ear pain/infections, and tooth problems.

Signs of an overactive throat chakra : Talking too much and not listening enough, having too many opinions, verbally abusive and always “talking back”.

Signs of an underactive throat chakra : Inability to express ourselves vocally, too afraid to share our emotions with others, poor communication, giving mixed messages to others, and being misinterpreted or misunderstood.

How to balance the throat chakra?

The associated color is light blue , so try eating any high-vibration food with a light blue color or super light foods (blueberries, figs, kelp, and almost any fruit).

Red clover flowers promote communication and self-expression, to be consumed as an herbal tea.
Lemon balm is able to cure several ailments, including the thyroid.

Eucalyptus oil is another beneficial oil for decongestion, simply rub a few drops of the oil on the throat.

Other herbs and spices that can benefit the throat chakra are coltsfoot, peppermint, sage, salt, and lemongrass.

You could also practice the art of public speaking or challenge yourself to express your emotions to others, practice honesty and your listening skills, meditate, do yoga, use light blue crystals like turquoise and fluorite , and chant the mantra “HAM” .


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