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5 tips to protect yourself from the negative ENERGIES of HALLOWEEN

5 tips to protect yourself from the negative ENERGIES of HALLOWEEN

Halloween night is fast approaching and promises to be charged with cosmic energies under the famous Full Blue Moon on October 31, a rare phenomenon that only occurs every 19 years!!!

October 31 is the beginning of the circle of seasons, the 1st day of the year of Wizards known as “Halloween” or Samhain.

This day inaugurates destruction and winter: it is the day when the border between the world of the dead and the living is opened.

During their rites, the pagans come into contact with the deceased who transmit their knowledge and their strength to them.

Spiritually, Samhain marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of another.

it is a time to turn inward, to face your own shadow.

This Halloween party also brings its share of bad energies.
Indeed, the decorations, the fake blood, the costumes in the shape of ghosts and evil creatures act generate low vibrations, fears and dread!

The energy that surrounds us during Halloween favors the formation of positive ions (negative energy that we breathe) and can wreak havoc on our emotional states!

It is therefore essential, during this period, to carry out energetic and spiritual cleansing for oneself and one's living space.

From sage to crystals, be sure to chase away the bad vibes that lurk ;-)

Here are the 5 simple and effective practices!

1. Wear soothing crystals

Some crystal stones are meant to ward off negative energies.

Immerse yourself in soothing qualities such as Rock Crystal, Amethyst , Agate or Malachite.

Wear it around your neck, wrist, finger, or simply lay your stone on your heart or third eye chakra whenever you feel spooky vibes.

5 tips to protect yourself from the negative ENERGIES of HALLOWEEN

2. Purify your Place of Life

Men have always burned herbs to rid a place of negative energies accumulated over the years.

During Halloween night, fumigation is used by many people to protect themselves from positive ions.

Benzoin incense has the power to sanitize the home and ward off negative energies. However, if its effectiveness is very high, it is short-lived. Indeed, as soon as the smoke has dissipated, its power stops and the negative energies return.

So, you'll need extra protection to protect your home all Halloween night.

Another protection against negative energies: dried white sage .

Burn only part of the leaf and collect the ashes in a container.

Take a walk in all the rooms, not forgetting any nook. Don't forget to leave a window open to let the negative energies escape.

But, you can also circulate the smoke over your body, always with the intention of cleansing yourself of all forms of obsolete, harmful or negative energies.

If you don't have sage on hand, you can also use sandalwood, mugwort, and other herbs like lavender, atlas cedarwood, or copal.

5 tips to protect yourself from the negative ENERGIES of HALLOWEEN

In terms of efficiency, you will also find the Palo Santo .

It is a sacred wood from South America that the Inca shamans used to purify a place or a person, is also an effective protection against negative energies 

To ward off negative energies and restore the atmosphere, burn the wood for about 30 seconds.

Then, gently blow out the flame and walk around the house with the smoking stick. Finally, place it in a container and let it finish burning.

3. Use Lavender Essential Oil

5 tips to protect yourself from the negative ENERGIES of HALLOWEEN It's something you can do all year round, but it's especially useful during Halloween.

By depositing a few drops of lavender essential oils on a lava stone bracelet or necklace, this helps to maintain a high vibratory rate and to remain centered in the Heart.

You can also gently rub it with your fingers to release good energy and get rid of bad vibes.

4. Raise your vibration by doing what you love most

Remember, there are so many other wonderful things around fall that have nothing to do with scary energy and bad vibes!

Focus on the things that bring you seasonal joy and fun, like all things pumpkin spice, pumpkin patches, cool, cool sweater weather, chestnut pans, and hot, savory meals.

At home, light scented candles, take out your favorite cozy fleece blanket and let the season wash over you like a wave of sweetness.

Sing, dance, listen to music that overwhelms you with Joy to vibrate on a frequency of love :-)

5. Surround yourself with orgonites

More than simple stones, orgonites are powerful protections against negative energies.

To be honest, when orgonites are in contact with negative energies, they transform them into positive energies.

Concretely, the air we breathe is composed of two ions: positive ions (negative energy) and negative ions (positive energy).

On Halloween night, the atmosphere favors the formation of positive ions.
Indeed, sets and costumes in the shape of ghosts and evil creatures act as antennae, attracting negative energies.
Thanks to the orgonites , you keep all these positive ions away from you.

Orgonites can be worn as a pendant to protect against negative energies during Halloween.
Children (over 3 years old) and adults can wear this protective object.

You can also use orgonite as an element of interior decoration.

This stone will instill a sense of well-being and tranquility in your home. It can be placed in the living room, bedroom...

5 tips to protect yourself from the negative ENERGIES of HALLOWEEN


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