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The 4 Laws of Spirituality

The 4 Laws of Spirituality

In India we teach: the 4 Laws of Spirituality

The first principle: “Anyone you meet is the right person. »

This means that no one comes into our lives by chance. Anyone close to us, anyone with whom we come into contact, is there to teach us something or to help us improve a current situation.

The second principle: “No matter what happened, it was the only thing that could have happened. »

Nothing, absolutely nothing that we experienced should have been anything else. There is no "if only I had acted differently, it would have been different." " No.
What happened is the one thing that could and should have taken place in our lives to learn the lesson and move on.

The third principle: “Every moment is the right moment. »

Everything starts at exactly the right time, neither too early nor too late. When we're ready for something new in our life, it's there, ready to begin.

Fourth and final principle: “What is finished is finished. »

It's simple. When something ends in our life, it is because the experience has allowed us to evolve and enrich ourselves. It is therefore no longer useful, it is better to let go and move on.


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