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Remedies: Rudraksha Seeds in Ayurveda

Remedies: Rudraksha Seeds in Ayurveda

Ayurveda uses rudrakshas extensively as remedies.

Here are some testimonials from former Ayurveda doctors.

“Wearing a rudraksha mala is good for blood pressure, heart disease and mental imbalances.” Ras Yoga Sagar

“Rudraksha is a beneficial remedy for pitta and vata type fevers, for all types of stomach disorders, blood pressure, liver and respiratory and mental disorders.” Swastha Vitta

rudraksha seeds mala yoga vedas

Here are some Ayurvedic remedies for using rudraksha:

1. Carrying : you can simply wear the large or small rudrakshas alone or in a mala (rosary) as jewelry or a talisman. They can be worn as earrings, bracelets on the wrists, forearms and ankles, as a pendant, around the waist. To benefit from the effects it is better to wear the rudrakshas all the time. If you must remove them, keep them close to you. When wearing them make sure that the rudrakshas always touch the body. Before wearing any rudrakshas, ​​soak them overnight in water, wash them and then soak them in oil which will preserve the seeds

– mala of 3 or 5 faces worn around the waist relieves back pain (the rudrakshas must touch the back)

– mala of 3 or 5 faces worn on the chest controls blood pressure

– pendant of 4 or 6 faces soothes chronic diseases of the throat

– headband with 4, 5, 6 and 11 faces relieves migraines and insomnia

2. Rudraksha water : the seeds of 5 faces can be soaked overnight in an earthen pot, drink the water every morning on an empty stomach. Attention often the seeds of rudraksha are coated with an orange substance which protects them from the attacks of incectes, soak them a first time and do not drink this water. This water will increase your immunity and regular blood pressure.

3. Skin cosmetic paste : 5-sided powder (ground seed in coffee grinder) mixed with water. Treats skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, acne. Tones the skin and gives radiance. 

4. Rudraksha under the pillow : A 5-sided mala (small or large seeds) placed under the pillow is a good remedy for insomnia. 

Find HERE our rudraksha malas with certificate of authenticity


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